Getting Started

Complete the following over the summer:

1. Click on the link to submit the AP Biology survey for 2017-18 school year. Please submit the form by June 6th, 2017.

2. Pick up AP Edition Campbell Biology, 9th edition and Active Reading Guide in U22 on  5/19/17 from the library.  If you cannot pick up your text at this time, Check the library schedule for your make up time.  You can also purchase the Active Reading Guide ($12.97) and a good AP Bio Test Prep Workbook ($14.97) that accompanies your textbook (DO NOT purchase the study guide) at Pearson plus shipping and taxes (click here for order page - this link is now for the 10th edition but the chapters and diagrams and nearly identical feel free to use this one if you want to write in it).  If you also want to purchase the textbook, go to or ** NOTE this is for the 10th edition active reading guide.  It is almost identical to the 9th one.  It is the best option if you want to write in in and not have to worry about losing the papers.  I will also provide links to printable copies.

3. Complete summer assignments:  Summer Reading Assignment 2017

  •   Read and complete the reading guide for CH 51 and 22
  •  Try and get ahead if you can CH 1-5 reading guides will be due in September and they are great reivew of general Bio content.  You will be glad you planned ahead!

AP Biology Summer Plant assignment 

The two plants you are keeping are  Begonia and Coleus.  We purchased them at Golden Nursery in San Mateo for a good price.  You need to start with the small plants - we purchased  cell packs and there were 6 to a pack.  DON'T FORGET DATA TABLES!

Create your name tag (summer assignment sheet)

Optional extra credit Scavenger Hunt

4. Sign up for MasteringBiology, an online tutorial for your textbook -Instructions 

5. Complete the “Introduction to AP BIOLOGY” assignment on MasteringBiology after you have signed up.  There is also an introduction to Mastering Biology - you can complete that assignment but it is not part of your grade. Due the first day of school

6. Set up interactive notebook with the largest spiral notebook you can find (5 subjects or larger).  Print and glue these forms in your notebook:


Quick Start Guide

8. Read the syllabus online.  Print and sign (parent signature required) the “signed syllabus form” and turn it in the first day of class.
    Syllabus:    - Please read carefully. There is a lot of important information here!
   Lab Safety Rules
   Signed Syllabus & Lab Safety Contract

9. Read over the lab format for the first day of class.

10. Set-up your  lab notebook:

How to Set Up A Legal Scientific Notebook.pdf

11. Remember, you will bring your plants, data (including pictures), lab set-up in your lab notebook on the first day of school.  We will have a plant parade and share data from the summer.

12. AP Biology can require a different type of studying than you are used to.  Spend some time thinking about your study plan.  Here is a document to help you come up with your own personal plan

13. Send your parents to Back to School Night:

14. Sign up for text or email reminders - 2017-2018 Remind